Welcome to My World - I'm So Happy YOU are Here!

I'm Carol Trengereid, Your Business Mindset and Visibility Coach

I'm your certified UK Level 6 and IAPCM accredited Mindset Coach and Course & Launch Strategist. I also bring 30+ years in the equestrian world, 20+ years in corporate, with a passion for mindset and growth.
My diverse experiences have honed my passion for fostering growth and clarity in others.

If you find yourself battling fears, feeling stuck, or doubting your capabilities, know that you are not alone. I specialize in guiding clients through these very challenges. Using my personal experiences and professional expertise, I help you harness your fears as fuel to propel you towards your goals.

Are These Common Fears Holding Back Your Business?

Discover Proven Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt and Shine Online!

Do you find yourself grappling with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, constantly questioning your worth and abilities?

Are fears of judgment or rejection paralyzing your progress?

Perhaps the technical demands of digital content creation feel overwhelming, or you struggle with balancing authenticity while maintaining a professional online presence.

If procrastination is your unwanted companion, hiding in plain sight as you strive to gain more visibility, you're not alone.

These struggles are real, but they need not define your journey towards success.

Whether you're battling limiting beliefs about your worth, concerned about losing privacy, or feeling outpaced in a saturated market, I'm here to offer targeted strategies that cut through these common entrepreneurial fears.

Together, we'll transform these barriers into steppingstones.

With personalized coaching and actionable guidance, learn how to harness your fears and turn them into fuel for growth and visibility.

Let's elevate your business and ensure your true potential shines brightly in the digital landscape.

Clarity to Clients Accelerator - The MasterMind is OPEN!

A MasterMind where we focus on a 90 days cyclus, and where Mindset, Visibility and Strategies goes hand in hand.

Accountabitlity and Implementation in a safe haven!

Limited spots for purpose driven women in business, ready to take action, step out of their comfort zone and get to their first (or consistent) $5k-$10k month/-s with weekly support!

Featured / Certifications


Unlock Your Course Creation Potential

Use My Course Creation Planner to Get Clarity on Your Niche, Map Out Your Course Details and Create a Course That Your Audience Will Love!

Why work with me

If you want to walk away with inspiration and ready to take action energy after sessions, you are in the right place!

Deep Understanding & Empathy:

Having navigated numerous fears and limiting beliefs myself, I understand what it feels like to be overwhelmed by new challenges or high-stakes situations.

I offer a safe haven for my clients, providing support even on the toughest days.

Commitment to Growth:

I am continuously investing in my development to stay at the forefront of coaching.

My approach is about harnessing your fears and transforming them into fuel for your success.

Energy and Intuition:

I bring a positive, energetic attitude and a keen intuition to each session, focusing entirely on empowering you and helping you see opportunities in every challenge.

Tailored Strategies: Specializing in overcoming fears, feeling stuck, or battling self-doubt, I use my personal experiences and professional expertise to guide you through these challenges.

My goal is to help you turn your fears into stepping stones towards achieving your dreams.

Are You Ready to Embrace Visibility and Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?

Join me in creating a journey as extraordinary as you are.

Let's transform your anxieties into achievements and pave the way for a future where your business and personal growth shine bright.

Let's co-create a journey that's as extraordinary as you are!

Let's connect!

I would love to connect with you on Facebook or Instagram!

You can find me by searching for my name Carol Trengereid or click the links below.

If you want a free 15 min session or just chat with me before signing up for any of my offers, reach out to me on Instagram or Facebook


My Approach: Tailored Coaching to Propel You Forward

Client-Led, Solution-Focused:

At the heart of our journey together, your aspirations set the pace, and my strategic guidance lights the path. We tackle each challenge head-on, turning your fears into milestones.

This isn't about sticking to a rigid plan; it's about adapting and overcoming in real-time, ensuring every step is aligned with your ultimate goals.

Simplicity & Clarity:

Imagine having a clear, actionable plan that feels like a breath of fresh air—easy to understand and even easier to implement. We strip away the complexity often associated with personal and business growth, focusing instead on streamlined strategies that bring substantial, clear-cut results.

Trust & Real Connection:

Choosing to work with me goes beyond mere transactions.

It's about forging a deep, authentic partnership where you feel seen, heard, and valued.

I'm here not just as a coach but as a committed ally in your journey.

We'll navigate your path to visibility together, taking it one fear at a time, ensuring you step out of your comfort zone and into your light.

Together, we will demystify the process of personal and professional growth, focusing on genuine, impactful changes that help you shine online and beyond.

Let's make your journey to success as fulfilling as the destination.

Tailored Support Just for You

No matter your coaching needs, I've got you covered!

1:1 Business Mindset & Clarity Coaching: Elevate your business mindset and visibility through personalized sessions

Clarity to Clients Accelerators - The MasterMind: A Mastermind Program for purpose driven females in business, ready to step out of their comfort zone and 10X their visibility.

Weekly group support. Limited spots!

Courses/Programs on Topic such as: Camera Ready - Visibility - Video and Live Content - Fear to Fuel your Motivation, Letting go of Limiting Beliefs and Excuses!

Let's get you out of your comfort zone now!

Your path to visibility, clarity, and success starts right here!

Carol has been amazing to work with! She knows exactly what questions to ask and how to steer me in the right direction. She has really great ideas and is very knowledgeable, she is also really easy to talk to. I have left each session with more clarity, and like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I highly recommend her!

- Joanna -


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

© Copyright 2024 Carol Trengereid